Saturday, April 24, 2010

Amos Story - Music Video - Aaron Ivey

Here's the words to the chorus...

I’ll find a way to get you here

If it takes my fleeting breath

Another sunrise hits the ground

And it’s a dark lonely sight

Light years away I hope you know

There is a somebody searching

For the way to get you here

I will get you here

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I have been hesitant to write for a while for I have not known if what I say today will be completely different tomorrow. I am so happy to say that the more things move along now I feel the situation stabilizing a bit… so why were my emotions starting to go crazy.

I think I know why… But first let me catch you up…

Things around here have been busy. CRAZY BUSY! It was brought to our attention that the children were brought to a new orphanage. This orphanage was really new and not yet connected with any adoption agencies. We did not know if or how we were going to be able to proceed with the adoption. Finally, we received word that they found an agency to partner with them and GET THIS … The agency is based out of Minneapolis, MN., just a mere 20-25mins from our house.

Within the last few weeks we have filled out the application, had initial meetings, and interviews and have completed the entire Dossier. (A WHOLE LOT OF PAPERWORK, including the HOME-STUDY, POLICE CLEARANCE, MARRIAGE AND BIRTH CERTIFICATES, REFERRENCES AND MEDICAL RECORDS) As I type right now the Dossier is probably in Washington DC getting authenticated (whatever that means) and then should be in Ethiopia by the end of this week/early next week. Some people in the “adoption world” may refer to this as “paper pregnant” or the DTE stage (DOSSIER TO ETHIOPIA). Whatever it is, once the dossier gets to Ethiopia it will be translated and matched with the children’s documents and presented to court requesting a court date. We are hoping that they will be able to request a court date before the deadline of the NEW TRAVEL TWICE rule going into affect (May 9th -I think).

Just within the last month or so, there have been big changes made in the Ethiopian Government regarding adoptions. Here are the NEW RULES that may be affecting us…

"Families need to be prepared to travel Approximately 4 - 8 weeks after receiving a referral to be present in Ethiopia for their appointed court date. Families will remain in Ethiopia for roughly 5-7 days and will then return to the United States after officially passing court. Families will then travel back to Ethiopia approximately 10 -12 weeks later to pick up their adopted child(ren)."

At this time, we can just sign over power of attorney over to a representative from our agency that will speak on our behalf at the court hearing. Many times it seems to take multiple attempts to pass court but as soon as court is passed the children legally become “LINDAHLS”!!! Then we just need to wait for the Embassy appointment at which time we will fly there, get their visas and bring them home.

Again, I completely understand the reasoning behind these new rules. From what I have heard, there have been quite a few cases where families have passed court, and then decided that the child that they had already legally adopted is not right for their family for some reason or another…or something happens that they never end up getting the child. Ethiopian adoptions are not reversible, and it is difficult for that child to ever have another chance to be adopted. These new rules will protect the families and the children. This is how adoptions work in Eastern Europe. The unfortunate part of this new rule, and the reason we so badly want to bypass it is…

  • · It adds $5000plus to the already overwhelming cost of the adoption.
  • · It requires two very long trips in a relatively short time period – which can be very difficult for child care for some families along with twice the time off of work for Mike.
  • · One of the biggest issues I have with this rule is …Adoptive parents will meet their child,, hopefully start a bond with the child, and then have to leave him or her behind for months. For most of these children they already had so many people come and go from their lives and deal with such abandonment issues I am just not sure how I could do this to them.

The other change comes from the U.S. Embassy, and it will affect us no matter what. The Embassy is conducting a more thorough investigation on each and every child to ensure that the child is “adoptable.” There has been recent media allegations of misconduct in Ethiopian adoptions by a few agencies. Prior to this, families could expect to travel approximately 4-6 weeks after passing court. With this new situation it now can be up to a 10-12 WEEK WAITING PERIOD AFTER PASSING COURT.

Because I have recently been there and I am fully aware of the children’s situation, I don’t think this “investigation period” will take that long at all. Again, these rules are just in place to protect these children and the whole adoption process. Adoption is such a beautiful thing but Satan has obviously been at work wanting to corrupt the whole system and give it all such an ugly taste. These rules will hopefully take care of much of that.

As you can see we have been busy. Crazy busy with all of this, which is why I think I have been starting to feel a bit anxious at times. I am pretty much one that tells you exactly how I am feeling even if the feelings are not so glamorous so here it goes….

I start asking questions like…

What are we thinking?

Why would I want to mess with our “oh so perfect” little family?

There are a lot of other things I can think of doing with all the money that goes towards adoption not to mention the cost of raising 2 more children.

How are we going to pay for all of this?

I finally have all the children out of the house and the freedom during the day to do with what I want and this is going to majorly change that.

OR.. I can hardly handle the 4 I already have with all their laundry, activities and homework.. What am I thinking bringing two more into the picture….

What will other people think?

There’s more too.. Sleepless nights full of them…

And you know what .. Satan love those questions. He loves putting anxious thoughts and feelings of fear in our heads, and I really believe more than anything else he would love for us to back out of this all together.

When I almost feel like doing just that, I stop and I refocus. I take time and spend with GOD. And again everything becomes so clear to me. You see it is not what I was doing that was wrong.. because it is so RIGHT… it is not even that it was so time consuming and crazy but during this all consuming time .. I took my eyes off the main purpose... the One that was giving me the task at hand, the One who it is my goal to bring Glory to with all I do.

I think this was a perfect example of how easy it is for Satan to creep in and take your mind off your main purpose and goal in life. There is a saying we have within our youth group that is said a lot … “ IF SATAN CAN’T MAKE YOU BAD, HE WILL MAKE YOU BUSY.” Whatever it takes to lose focus Satan will be right there to take advantage of it. Even something so good like this adoption or maybe volunteering with CHURCH activities! WHOA… DID I SAY THAT? YEP, I did! So many times we are so busy “doing” even good that we forget about the whole RELATIONSHIP God is longing to have with us, and why we are doing the good in the first place. Maybe it is just my absent-mindedness that makes it so easy for me to get distracted even with things that are so good or starts out with the right focus in mind. I am thankful that the Holy Spirit can speak to us, even through those feelings of fear or anxiety, gently reminding us to re-focus and remember not just the task at hand or the gifts before me, but more importantly The One we do the tasks for… the GIFT GIVER Himself.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


When I was younger I use to love them. The anticipation as you slowly creep to the top followed by the thrill and speed of the vertical drop was so awesome. Now that I am a bit older I can’t tolerate them as much due to the extreme motion sickness and nausea that follows for hours afterwards. Have to admit, I feel like I have been on a VICOUS NON-STOP ROLLERCOASTER RIDE the last few months.

I have been searching my heart and wondering if some of it has to do with me not being able to completely let go, surrender all to GOD and TRUST HIM completely.

If I really trusted that His Will is perfect and He knows what is best for us and that HE is in control, couldn’t I just totally let go and enjoy the ride just a bit more. I know I look back on the blog and read what I have previously written. It all is true and honest thoughts but STILL I let the emotions, anxiousness, worry and “motion sickness” creep in. As much as some want to make excuses and say we are human and anybody would feel the same way if they went through all of this. I’m not falling for that. Jesus replied, "What is impossible with men is possible with God." (LUKE 18:27) It is not impossible to completely let go and believe in whatever situation you are in GOD is in control and He knows what is best… that is when…

7The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will come into play and surpass everything else and will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus.

The problem is we think this “peace” is supposed to be automatic. We forget about the verses before hand that we are suppose to do to receive this peace…

6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Or the verses afterwards…

8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things (Philippians 4:6-8)

I have a tendency to get anxious about what is going to happen next. I want to know exactly what is going on and even plan it out. I guess I have a bit of a control issue. I need to have more FAITH and to realize I am NOT in control … BUT HE IS. Truthfully even though it is hard for me not to know the ending, I am thankful that God has brought us here and chose to use us in this manner... whatever that may be. When that really happens, when we truly come to grip with the TRUTH, this is when you start to just sit back and actually ENJOY the ROLLERCOASTER RIDE! Wheeeee!!!!

This whole thing reminded me of a movie I watched in a SocialWork class in college. Parenthood with Steve Martin…. HERE is one of the scenes…

Looking back on all my previous posts you can tell this is a constant battle within my head. There are times I want to GET OFF, at least this part of the RIDE! But I cannot give up, not until God clearly leads us down a different road (which he very well may do). Until then I will learn to WALK BY FAITH NOT BY SIGHT(IICORITHIANS 5:7). God never promised this journey to be easy, probably because there are so many lessons to learn along the way and over all the bumps.

Throughout scripture there is talk about orphans… the fatherless, the poverty stricken. But scripture also refers to US as once orphans. Not knowing OF our Heavenly father or being part of the Family of GOD. I keep thinking that when I was orphaned or even now when I am lost and go my own way.. God never gives up on me. He constantly is pursuing us… Like a shepherd who has lost one of his sheep, he would never think of going home for the night without finding it.

That’s how I feel right now. Until the doors before me are completely closed or until God clearly directs us in another direction… I feel I have no other choice but to persevere, to stand steadfast. (no matter how motion sick I may get from time to time).