I could not get this song out of my mind as I stood there and looked down…
You're the God of this City, You're the King of these people You're the Lord of this nation, You are! You're the Light in this darkness! You're the Hope to the hopeless! You're the Peace to the restless!
You are!
There is no one like our God !!!
There is no one like our God !!!
For greater things have yet to come.
And greater things are still to be done in this City.
Greater thing have yet to come
And greater things are still to be done in this City.
…And greater things are still to be done in this City,
Greater things have yet to come
And greater things are still to be done here!!!!
Before coming to Haiti for some reason I thought of it as a very spiritually oppressed place. I thought I would see even more helplessness, more sin, more evil. I had heard the history of how years ago Haiti was dedicated to Satan (although I know that it was recently rededicated to Christ). What I thought I would see was totally not what was there….
I really did see Jesus in Haiti. I saw him in the eyes of each of the children we touched.

I saw people seeking after him as we drove by the packed out churches as sounds of worship leaked out of the cracked walls.
I saw him alive and at work in the missionaries we met,
definitely in “Healing Haiti” ministries...
and the incredible staff they have working with them …
I saw God at work in my incredible team members...

AND I felt his mighty hand working inside me … leading me, teaching me and molding me just a little more into who He wants me to be. He is the GOD of that City and the King of those people He is the only LIGHT that will pierce through the darkest of times. …. I know there is so much more to be done there … BUT I have complete confidence He is at work in a mighty way.
With that said, I also think we can find Jesus everywhere we go…. If we are seeking after him, If we prepare our hearts and minds and want God to work in us and through us. While God used Haiti to show me so many things… I know that the same God is at work here today as well. We do not “HAVE TO” go to Haiti to be his hands and his feet.. to feel or see His presence at work.. to be molded into the person that He wants us to be… BEING ABLE TO GO TO HAITI AND TO BE USED IN SUCH A WAY is a privilege, and honor… one that I humbly hope I will be able to do again sometime soon.