Today my word was … ‘BLESSED.”
I feel so amazingly BLESSED to be able to be here … to have this opportunity to be able to be used by God in such a way.
Blessed by the smiles and love each and every child gave me each time I held them or played with them or even touched them. (even the ones who cried the entire time not being held).
Blessed to be able to attend the amazing memorial service I did tonight with some of the most amazingly selfless people who have given their lives and moved to Haiti to serve the people here.
Blessed by the worship tonight and..
Blessed by just how much.. HE LOVES ME!!! - yep we sang many of my favorite songs tonight but this one especially always hits me right where I need it. It is one of Jeff’s favorites too… I know this because I think we have heard him play it about 20 times … and no, not sick of it at all. Who can ever get sick of hearing just how much our heavenly father loves us!!!!
I think of the kids today that we visited at Gertrudes Orphanage. I know that they are well taken care of and their caregivers probably do love them… but no one ( But God) can love a child like their Mama and Papa. Most of the children there may go throughout their lives never experiencing that due to their physical or mental handicap.
Like Mickey…. A 17yr old boy in a wheelchair, so smiley, and spoke pretty good English even, most likely intelligent-yet so skinny, entire body frail, legs seemed immobile, but he could use his arms to get around in his wheelchair although his entire body seemed to be contorted a bit, his eyes appeared as if he could not see but I think he could to some degree. He loved when we talked to him and especially when we massaged his arms and legs with lotion. Such an amazing thing what touch can do. Mickey will never know what it is really like to be loved and cared for by a mom and dad. He will most likely never be tucked in at night, prayed over and kissed on a consistent basis. But then I think how David called God, “A father to the fatherless.” And I think how Mickey has a Heavenly father that loves him so deeply. I know that someday Mickey’s body will be restored and perfect and then he will be able to run with all his might right into those arms of His Abba , Daddy who loves him so much!

Needless to say my heart was broken today but I am ok with that. I never want to grow indifferent or blinded to what I see. I always want my heart to continue to break for what breaks God’s in every way!
I am Blessed today! I don’t think I could ever bless any of the people or children that I have met on this trip as much as they have Blessed me.
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