Saturday, June 12, 2010
... all the TIME!!!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
# 1

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
3 - Labor Pains????

Saturday, June 5, 2010

That’s right I can now count on one hand the number of days till our court date!!
I have to admit I’m having a hard day today though. I don’t know why. Maybe the cloudy rainy day is getting to me but yet I actually kind of like rainy days that make us all stay inside together and even get some projects done. Maybe it is the time of year where there is so much going on and I feel like there is no slowing down to really even think. The older two had a car wash this morning to raise money for a youth conference they are going to this summer and the little girls have dance recital this whole weekend. But really all those things are not that overwhelmingly busy and even with all that’s going on I don’t think that is the reason for my blues.
You would think I would be jumping for joy that the court date is just around the corner, but actually, I think I am starting to feel a bit overwhelmed and stressed, and a little on our own here, which ultimately is ok. The thing is, you know when you are so passionate and excited about something and totally want to make the most of every opportunity, yet everyone around you is also soooo busy and have so many other things going on in their own lives that they too are excited and passionate about. I absolutely do not want to be self-centered or make this at all about ME! Yet I do intensely desire to spread the passion and deep burden to care for all the orphans throughout the world and not miss out on taking full advantage of the opportunities God is laying before us.
Mike and I are really considering traveling at the end of the month. That is IF… (I so badly want to say WHEN) we pass court. We are talking about leaving 3 weeks from today. OK.. so I guess that kind of explains the stress and blues a little. Trying to wrap up the four kids end of the year activities, plan their summer events, clean the house top to bottom because who knows when I will have time to do it again, buy beds, car seats and whatever else is needed when we return I guess could stress the normal person out just a bit. After meeting our children, Mike would only stay a week and then return on his own. I would then stay until we get an embassy date and can bring the children home.
Friday, June 4, 2010

Yeah , Thats right we are on SIX! SIX more days…
Actually, THE NUMBER SIX is pretty significant. Do you realize that in SIX more days there is a pretty good possibility that I could be a parent to SIX children? 6 !!!! WOW! What an amazing blessing! One of the main comments I get when people find out we are adopting is ... WOW, Aren’t those children so lucky to be adopted into your family OR they are such lucky kids? But truthfully … WE ARE THE ONES THAT ARE THE LUCKY ONES? We are so amazingly blessed that God chose us to open our eyes and bring us on this journey. I think the impact that this journey has or will have on our family cannot even compare. I read about an interview with another adoptive family in Lakeville who actually go to church with my mom. It was part of something else that was posted on the Christian Alliance Blog but I loved what they had to say because it sums up exactly how I feel…
…The couple already had five children, the youngest ten, and had been anticipating the freedom of an empty nest. But on a mission trip to Africa, a concern for orphans budded into a sense of calling to adoption. A year and a half ago, they adopted two boys from Uganda, 3-year-old Phillip and 4-year-old Zachary.
Lisa Harding expresses what I’ve heard from so many adoptive parents in recent years: that the desire God stirred in them to care for orphans has most definitely not reached its completion in the adoption. Rather, they see adoption as one part of a life-long call to live out James 1:27. Speaking of their plans to attend Summit, Lisa expressed, “I’m excited about refueling what’s already a passion in us because this is not a period at the end of a sentence now that Philip and Zachary are in our house. Now, it’s what’s next?”
Just as significant, Harding’s words at the end of the interview capture the power of God’s intent in adoption and orphan care. It isn’t just about rescuing orphans; it is about rescuing self-absorbed Christian adults as well. Caring for orphans is a journey of root-level discipleship, because love for orphans transforms. As Lisa Harding concluded, “People have said, ‘Oh, aren’t they lucky, you rescued them from whatever. And I think, Are you kidding? I’m the lucky one. I get to be their mom. And I get to be daily rescued from my selfishness, and my impatience, and things that are just as disease-ridden in my soul.”
Thank you JESUS! Thank you Thank you Lord!!!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Still time to back out!
Though true .. we are not going to! But I do want to be open and honest. I am all about speaking from the heart… saying it how it is…. Calling a spade a spade,… Not running from the truth... I never want to candy coat things or make a person believe or see something that is not really there. Sometimes I think, especially Christians, want to act like they have it all together and want to look like life is just perfect but on the inside it is far from the truth.. What good is that for those around us? How does that benefit others who may be feeling the same way?
The truth is I am a bit scared. Scared about what this is going to do to our family. Scared that I am not a good enough parent already and now I am taking 2 more in. Scared that my biological kids already look at me like I have no clue what I am doing raising them… and I think what if they are right? What if I am not cut out for this, what if I won’t be able to keep up? What if we have major attachment problems?
Thoughts of backing out do cross my mind. The truth is I know that adoption may not be easy. Especially when you are adopting older children that have already experienced trauma in their lives. I think it is wise for us to be prepared for the challenges ahead so we have gone to seminars. We have read books, not to mention the many, many blogs that I have read on attachment disorders. Not sure if I feel more prepared at this time or just completely freaked out and wonder WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE WE GETTING OURSELVES INTO?
But this is what I go back to …
Scripturally there is such a conviction in my heart that this is what we are to do. OUR LIVES ARE NOT OUR OWN!!! This is not all about us! I think I would feel so disobedient if I did not do this right now. If someone wants to convince me that I am wrong, please do so.
Is this for everyone… NO!
But, I am convinced it is what God is calling US to do.
So why ? Why do I feel so strongly about this… here is just a few reasons…
1. James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world
2. Luke 6:31 Do to others as you would have them do to you. You know what Christ did for me? He adopted me. He swept me up and made me apart of the most ROYAL FAMILY EVER.
3. Matt. 25:40 – The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”
4. We have room in our house and in our hearts. We have been given so much. And we believe it all comes from Him. It is not our own to do with as we please. How does He want us to use His things?
5. If someone said they loved me with all their heart and then saw one of my children hurting, alone, fatherless and could do something about it but didn’t I don’t know if I would truly believe if they loved me as much as they said they did.
6. James 4:17 Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.
7. Ephesians 5:16 Use every chance you have for doing good.
8. If I claim my goal is to be like Christ then I not only want HIS EYES to see with but also HIS HEART.. and HIS HANDS. I love the song…
And then the “Why Nots”…