Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Starting to feel the countdown but want to take time to reflect on what I am doing and why....
”If my steps have turned from the path, if my heart has been led by my eyes, or if my hands have been defiled, then may others eat what I have sown, and may my crops be uprooted.” Job 31:7-8
That’s a powerful and gutsy prayer that Job prayed. Our desire to have this be God’s plan, completely God directed is so great.  So many times in a single day I have to make sure I am doing a check of my heart that this is coming through Him, because of Him and for HIM. To be able to pray.. “Lord, if you ever feel like I am not following your eyes, your plan and instead doing any of this for selfish desires then basically uproot and destroy whatever garden or crop I have worked so hard to grow,” again is a powerful thing…. but yet so important.
 “Everything We Do Without a Savior Is Sin
But someone will say, "This can't be, because I know many unbelievers who do good deeds." Ah, but when you say that, you do not have a view to God. When you judge what is sin and what is righteousness, don't just think of man! Think of God. We were made for God! He is worthy of all our love and trust and honor and thanks and obedience and worship. We may well build our hospitals and feed the hungry and educate the ignorant, but if it doesn't spring from trust in God, and if we don't do it to give him glory, and if we don't have a view to the salvation of others, all we do is sin with respect to God.” –John Pieper (Sermon: Why we need a Savior: Dead in Sins)

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